抗衰老套裝 Anti-Aging Set
$730.00 was $845.00
1x 高濃度 - 藍銅/五/六勝肽精華液 High Concentration Copper Peptide Serum (15g) / $300
1x 激活煥膚液 Rejuvenating Toner (100g) / $160
1x 七葉樹乳香眼霜 Venocin Eye Gel (10g) / $120
1x 高效維他命 C E 精華液 High Potency C E Serum (10g) / $135
1x 深層補水滋潤面膜凝膠 (旅行用) Deep Moisturizing Mask Gel (30g) / $65
1x 有機智利冷搾玫瑰果籽油面霜 Organic Chile Cold Pressed Rosehip Cream (30g) / $65
套裝不可與其他優惠同時使用。This special cannot be used together with other promotional offers.