About us 關於我們
過去幾年,因家人對皮膚護理的特別需要,Dr Ming開始對皮膚護理產品進行仔細研究和觀察,並對市場上的產品質量和價格感到極為失望。此外,Dr Ming 注意到有大量錯誤資訊使用家感到困惑。因此Dr Ming決定用自己的化學專業知識與科研經驗,親手調製配方及在本地精心配製出一系列全手製、安全、有效及不污染環境的天然護膚品給家人和親友。
親友使用後評語非常正面,並且對產品數量和類型要求漸漸增加,DrM Lab決定提供一系列的DIY護膚品如:精華液、抗氧化美白系列、眼霜、面霜、面膜凝膠、卸妝液及護髮系列產品給親友和大眾分享。
Dr. Wong Chi Ming, founder of DrM Lab, was looking into the skin care products in the market for his family members and friends in the last few years. He noticed that there is a lot of misleading information and users are easily misled and confused. Dr. Wong decided to use his own chemistry knowledge and research experience to formulate a series of hand-made, safe, and effective skin care products that minimize the impact on the environment for family and friends.
The feedback from family members and friends has been very positive; the variation and types of products requested gradually increase. Dr. Wong decided to start DrM Lab to provide a range of DIY skin care products such as: face serum, antioxidant whitening series, eye gel, face lotion, mask gel, makeup remover and hair care series of products to friends and the public to share.
Messenger: https://m.me/drmlab.com.hk
Whatspp: https://wa.me/85260177818
Signal: +852 60177818
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPoD2GX0lBMs1C9ROp_8vOg